
1m resistor color code
1m resistor color code

1m resistor color code

Light-dependent resistors are very useful in different electronic circuits, especially in clocks, alarms, and street lights. These are widely available as low-cost resistors and compared with the thin film, thick film resistive element is thousands of times thicker. Usually, thick film resistors are made by mixing ceramics with powered glass, and these films have tolerances ranging from 1 to 2%, and a temperature coefficient between + 200 or +250 and -200 or -250. These are mostly used for applications that require high accuracy and high stability. These resistors are preferred for microwave active and passive power components such as microwave power terminations, microwave power resistors, and microwave power attenuators. Thin-film resistors have better temperature coefficients, lower capacitance, low parasitic inductance, and low noise. The resistive element for these resistors is approximately 1000 angstroms. Thin film resistors are made by sputtering some resistive material onto an insulating substrate (a method of vacuum deposition) and are therefore more expensive than thick film resistors. Metal film Resistor Thick Film and Thin Film Types of Resistors These resistors can be obtained in a wide range of resistance values (from a few ohms to millions of ohms). The properties like reliability, accuracy, and stability are considerably better for these resistors. These are similar to carbon-film resistors and their resistivity is controlled by the thickness of the coating layer. These resistors are made from metal oxide or small rods of ceramic-coated metal. Wire-wound Resistors Metal Film Resistors During their use, these resistors can become very hot, and for this reason, these are housed in a finned metal case. These resistors are the oldest type of resistors having excellent properties like high power ratings and low resistive values. These wire-wound resistors are commonly a length of wires usually made of an alloy such as nickel-chromium or copper-nickel manganese alloy.

1m resistor color code

These resistors vary in physical appearance and size. There are different types of resistors available in the market with diverse ratings and sizes.

1m resistor color code